Samstag, 7. Mai 2011

Torpedo on the hook - Mühlheimer Ache 01.05.2011

First fly fishing this year. A friend told me stories about big barbels on the Mühlheimer Ache and I was starving for a topedo on the hook, so I jumped into the car and drove to Austria. The water was clear, I was sightening some rainbows from the bridge but not that was my target. Starting with a PT BD was a good idea, the nymph brought me the first fish, a nice rainbow but I wanted more. In search of barbels I found a good deep pool and also changed the nymph, put a big 1gr. lead shot on the line about 20 cm from the nymph and soon I had the first torpedo on my hook. I catched 5 barbels and a rainbow during the whole day, first 3 barbels between 4-5lbs. Enjoy the pictures.Mühlheimer Ache
First fish - a rainbow
Second fish - the first barbel
Next strike - ride this torpedo
Second barbel
Third barbel - the biggest
Fourth one - the smallest
Last barbel

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